Hi there! My name is Dominik Muhs, and I'm the person behind Kauz Security Services. I have
a deep passion for smart contract security, penetration tests, and software development in
general. I perform security services independently and through
Creed, which I'm a founding member of.
What I can do
I can perform code reviews on smart contracts written in Solidity. Thanks to my
background in backend engineering, I am confident reviewing code written in
Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Golang.
I have performed numerous black box and grey box penetration tests as a security
engineer. Clients often combine a smart contract code review with a black box penetration
test of their off-chain infrastructure.
Lastly, I have helped a handful of clients with threat models around their
existing infrastructure. Beyond that, I have also helped them create individualized
operational security guidelines to minimize the risks they face as high-net-worth
How to contact me
If you are looking to get in touch, feel free to contact me at
[email protected]. Myself, or my assistant will get in
touch with you as soon as possible.
Previous work of mine
I have performed numerous code reviews, penetration tests, and general work around
operational security guidelines and incident response playbooks. In this section, I list
my most recent engagements. Publicly available reports are linked. Clients for which an NDA is in effect are